So, while I was on my run yesterday I had scouted out a few seemingly German-style restaurants that had English on the menu for us to eat at since I knew everyone would want to try something authentic for dinner. I figured it was best to ask the concierge about it though and she directly me to a place called the Apfelwein Haus that was about a twenty minute walk across the river, but she said that was definitely where we needed to go. We tried to wake Kevin up, but I’m guessing the Xanax was still kicking and he didn’t want to get out of bed so the rest of us went to dinner. The walk was nice. The weather here is cooler than back home, but it’s not uncomfortably cold or anything.
The restaurant was nice and warm, and had a really cozy feel. It was very busy and had big, long wooden tables for family style seating. Our waiter was a giant overweight German that spoke English with the kind of German accent that (thanks to Hollywood villains) makes all Americans cringe. When we all ordered water he started actually giving us shit. “tattoos… Budweiser (Ryan had on a Budweiser hat)… and you order water?” So, we asked what we should get and he said that their house specialty was their apple wine so we got that. It came out in a big clay vase and was delicious. It wasn’t very sweet. I was expecting a cider but it was much more like a wine. I got Nurmburg Bratwursthausen, or something like that. Basically it was brats with sauerkraut and mashed potatoes. It was delicious. Like… really delicious. I could eat that meal everyday. The potatoes had enough butter in them to give Lance Armstrong a heart attack. After we ate we started to walk back.
We decided to grab a beer near our hotel and that we should at least try to wake Kevin up again. He finally got up and we went to an Irish pub next to our hotel which was packed due to a soccer match. Whit and Ryan Stayed there while Bj, Kev, and I went to a German bar down the street that was less busy. One of the biggest differences here in bars is that many will only have one beer on draft which they display on their sign out front. There are Henninger bars, Bitburger bars, and Binding bars…etc. They serve all sorts of beers in bottles, but what’s on the sign seems to be all they have on draft. For instance, the Irish pub only has Guinness and Kilkinney. This German bar served only Henninger and was inhabited by a few drunken old men watching the Desseldorf v. Berlin Soccer Club match. Our bartender barely spoke English and was kind enough to give us an extra beer on the house before we left.
Apparently Visa’s aren’t accepted at this place so he directed us to an ATM down the street. To show us the way/make sure we didn’t stiff him, he sent what was obviously the most outgoing of the drunken old men with us. The guy was from Dusseldorf and sang what I can only gather was a Dusseldorf fight song of some sort. I found this wildly entertaining mostly because I feel that all drunk, old men should sing, especially Europeans. The more obscure the song, the better. When we got to the ATM he asked “You find?” and we said yes and thanked him for his help. I will never forget his reply as long as I live: “For this success… I take a piss!” He then turned towards the building and pulled out his penis to urinate and started singing Pink Floyd to us. “We don’t need no education….. We don’t need no thought control….” At this point we were all hysterical. This was not how I envisioned drunken old European men, but if they are all this funny then I’m ok with it. After a verse he stopped and we all went back to the bar to pay our tab. Kev and Bj went to get chocolates and I went to bed early. It was around eleven.
I slept until one which I haven’t done in years, and went to the market to get more pistachio and coconut flavored milk and an apple for breakfast. After that (and a few cups of coffee) I went back down to the river for another run. I ran even further than yesterday and explored a new section of trail. This city really is beautiful. Ryan and I went for a walk and grabbed some dinner at the market again. Now I’m sitting at the Irish Bar which is the only place I’ve found so far with free wifi and we are about to pack up and go explore some more. Our hotel only has one computer to share so it’s always occupied and the German keyboard is a bitch to navigate. Hopefully I’ll get to post again soon.
May 16th, 2012 (8:24) Frankfurt , Germany
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